Donate through a computer, smartphone or tablet. We also have an app you can use too Click here to find out more!

Want to give online? You have two ways of giving.

  • ACH transfer (its like writing a check, Requires verification of banking.)

  • Credit or Debit card

How do I do it? Here some easy steps to help you get started.

  1. Click the giving logo above.

  2. A new page will page will load (This is normal, This is the page you should see,

    ( )

  3. Click Give Online

  4. Fill out the amount

  5. Select which fund you would like your donation to go.

    Example Tithing would be General fund, but you can give to other areas.

    Example: Pastor Appreciation, Missions or Building Fund. (This lets NCF know where you would like the donation to go.)

  6. Fill out your email address and Name

  7. The screen will change and show your information and ask what donation method you would like to use

    1. ACH transfer (its like writing a check, Requires verification of banking.)

    2. Credit or Debit card

  8. If using a Credit or Debit card enter details and click Give.

  9. Or use ACH transfer. This method requires verification of your bank account and routing number. Why use this method? This method has the least amount of fees costing only $0.25. That’s cheaper than a stamp.

    The verification happens after you enter your account information. Planning center, the company we use to give online, deposits two small payments in your account after 3-5 days. You find out the amounts of the deposits and then log back in to the giving website and tell them the amounts. This verification is required before you give, but you only have to do it once.

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You can also give by mail.

Mail Giving to 315 North Cedar Street Warsaw IN, 46580